Need Help with GRASS

James A. Farley jim at
Tue Jul 27 15:10:29 EDT 1993

>Rumi Dubash writes 
> Hi,
>   I am absolutely new to GRASS and the first thing that I have tried is to
> get the compilation done. Now when I try to run it with the grass4.1 script
> I get into GRASS. After setting the location and mapset, I tried to bring up
> an application  at which point it suggested that I need a graphics monitor
> and that it could be started up with d.mon. On starting up d.mon and using
> option 1 (start a graphics monitor) it asks for a name and that I could use
> the list command to find the names. This of course returns a null list.
> What am I doing wrong?

Check in $GISBASE/etc/monitorcap and refer to install guide. There is also
a file called moncap.sample can be used as a model. Basically, this file
[monitorcap], is used by GRASS to id the names and characteristics of the
graphic drivers to be used by the system. Make sure you created and compiled
the $SRC/CMD/lists/local code in which you specify which monitors,
digitizers and painters to be used by GRASS at yuor installation.

>   Also all of this seems to be a tty based version. Isn't there a X-windows
> based interface to all of this? Did I compile it incorrect for it not to
> bring up an X-window based interface?

There is an "X" based interface but compiling it may take some time
depending on your system and its configuration. You might want to look
into the "static" version of the code that lives on the moon.

> Rumi Dubash
> Sr. Software Engineer
> Schlumberger-GeoQuest

James A. Farley 	Technical Director, CAST/NCRI-SW
			12 Ozark Hall, Univ. of Arkansas
jim at	Fayetteville, AR  72701
Voice: (501) 575-6159	FAX  : (501) 575-3846

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