GRASS-INGRES interface

Katarina Johnsson katarina at
Wed Jun 16 05:06:06 EDT 1993

Hi everybody,

This is to let you know that there exists a GRASS-INGRES interface.
I have modified Jim Farleys code to work with INGRES instead of INFORMIX.

I have two versions, one for INGRES ver 5 and one for INGRES ver 6. 
Unfortunately the version for INGRES 6 hasn't quite been completed, as
I don't have access to INGRES 6 where I am now. Two or three of the 
modules need some additional modifications. I have a pretty good idea of
what modifications are needed though, so if anyone is interested ....?

I'm currently using the interface with INGRES ver5 and that works fine.

If anyone is interested in the interface, I'd be happy to give it to you!
It comes as it is, and you may still need to fix some bugs or modify some
code. No guarantees! 

Please contact me at katarina at to get our ftp address.

--- Katarina

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