help with compile error

Greg Koerper greg at
Fri May 14 18:25:00 EDT 1993

> From grass-lists-owner at Fri May 14 13:18:49 1993
> Date: Fri, 14 May 93 15:12:54 MDT
> From: tkeitt at (Timothy Keitt)
> Posted-Date: Fri, 14 May 93 15:12:54 MDT
> Sender: lists-owner at
> Reply-To: grassp-list at
> Precedence: Bulk
> To: grassp-list at
> Subject: help with compile error
> Content-Length: 2353
> X-Lines: 71
> Hi,
> I'm getting the following error trying to compile xgrass:
> gcc -s -o /scratch/grass.4.1/bin/xdigit OBJ/ask_cat.o OBJ/clip.o OBJ/coor_pop.o OBJ/custommenu.o OBJ/debugmenu.o OBJ/debugf.o OBJ/digitmenu.o OBJ/digitize.o OBJ
> ..
> ..	stuff deleted
> ..
> bes/LIB/libdig_atts.a /scratch/grass.4.1/src/libes/LIB/libproj.a /scratch/grass.4.1/src/libes/LIB/libgis.a  -lXm -lXt -lX11 -lm
> ld: -lXm: No such file or directory
> collect: /usr/bin/ld returned 4 exit status
> make: *** [/scratch/grass.4.1/bin/xdigit] Error 1
> GISGEN failure at STEP: src/xgrass/xdigit

Happened to me, too.  The problem is in the Gmakefile for src/xgrass/xdigit.
It is failing to include the Motif library path in the compiler arguments.
OGI should attend to this problem in GISGEN.  Meanwhile, add the


argument to the Gmakefile in src/xgrass/xdigit as noted in my "diary" entry
below.  If it doesn't work, then it may be time to annoy the sys admin
as Darrell suggested.

seems like I need to add $XMLIBPATH to compiler arguments so . . .
manually edited xdigit Gmakefile to 


Greg Koerper                            Internet: greg at
ManTech Environmental Technology, Inc.  UUCP:     hplabs!hp-pcd!orstcs!koerper
US EPA Environmental Research Lab
200 SW 35th St., JSB                    
Corvallis, OR   97333           "The 90s will make the 60s look like the 50s. 
(503) 754-4490                          Just ask your kids."
 fax:  (503) 754-4338

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