Wish List

Ronald Thomas ront at niwot.CFNR.ColoState.EDU
Tue Oct 5 14:17:15 EDT 1993

Your comments on the development of GRASS bring up some interesting
questions: when does an individual's time spent learning C and programming
start to interfere with their job duties, and when does the cost of such
activities surpass the cost of buying a full featured GIS (with support)?
(ARC/INFO getting much cheaper on the govt. GIS II schedule).

I'm all for open systems, but also have work to do!

Ronald Thomas                                ront at meeker.cfnr.colostate.edu
 Natural Resource Spec. (GIS)         ^^^    Phone: 303-586-3565  x285
  Resources Management Division  ^^  ^^^^^   FAX: 303-586-4702
   Rocky Mountain National Park ^^^ ^^^^^^^  Estes Park, CO  80517

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