HPXL300 driver

Darrell McCauley mccauley at ecn.purdue.edu
Thu Oct 7 07:56:21 EDT 1993

Anabel Donadios (anabel at tilo.datsi.fi.upm.es) writes:
>This command is a shell script:

Anabel, it looks as though you may have to change this script.
(This script was written for BSD and is not Sys V friendly).


below may be 'uname' in other cases. This *should* be
dir=`g.tempfile pid=$$`


lp -dpj -oraw -onb $outfile

>        lpr -s -Ppj $outfile

>the next message error appear:
>/usr/bin/lpr: option -Ppj not recognized
>And it's right because the -P option is not recognized for lpr script.
>Usually we use
>      lp -dlpc -oraw -onb name_file
>but I can't print either.

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