Walker Lake data set

Chris W Skelly gewcs at jcu.edu.au
Sun Oct 10 00:34:27 EDT 1993


I am starting a postgrad course in applied geostatistics and
I will be using the Isaaks and Srivastava text, _An Introduction
to Applied Geostatistics_.

I would very much like to use the same data set that they used
in their book.

The data set is the Walker Lake DEM.  The authors say that the data is in
the Defence mapping agency planer format, 1 degree latitude x 1 degree
longitude with the two adjecent quadrangles being used.  Points are about
200 ft apart giving about 2.5 million points per quad.

Has anyone heard of the Walker Lake data set being available through

Chris Skelly
Lecturer, Department of Geography
James Cook University of North Queensland

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