sockets as opposed to fifos

Mark P. Line markline at
Fri Apr 8 00:30:47 EDT 1994

On Thu, 7 Apr 1994, Thomas E. Ragland wrote:

> I am working on a system that does not support "named pipes" and I am confronted
> with the communication issue between "monitors".  My question is, has anyone 
> written code that communicates through "sockets" as opposed to "fifos"?  If so,
> I would like to interact with you.  In short, any form of communication other
> than "fifos" is of interest to me (i.e., streams, BSD sockets, etc).  

Somebody posted something (last month, I think) about an implementation
using shared memory IPC -- I think it was for Solaris, which seems to have
a dead-slow fifo implementation.

I can forward the message to you if you don't have access to the list

-- Mark

Mark P. Line                       Phone: +1-206-733-6040
Open Pathways                        Fax: +1-206-733-6040
P.O. Box F                         Email: markline at
Bellingham, WA 98227-0296

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