d.3d non-interactive mode

Davide Frisoni frisoni at faw.uni-ulm.de
Mon Apr 11 13:03:12 EDT 1994

Hi everyone,
I've encountered some difficult to use d.3d in non-interactive mode (command line).
I tried before with the spearfish DB e default parameters: all goes well :-).Few minutes
later I'tried with my DB (that work normally well, it is a cdrom of the WORLD BANK!),
and there is no way to work :-(( !
There is ever the error:

-->> WARNING: G_set_window(): Illegal latitude for North
-->> ERROR: Inappropriate window resolution request

belowe a list of some attempt.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

PS : in interactive mode all works well :-() !!!!


d.3d -0a map=nations. elevation=aspect. from_coordinate=105E,2N,15 
WARNING: G_set_window(): Illegal latitude for North
ERROR: Inappropriate window resolution request

Mapset <PERMANENT> in Location <cdrom> 
GRASS 4.1 > d.3d -0a map=nations. elevation=aspect. from_coordinate=-105W,2S,15  
WARNING: G_set_window(): Illegal latitude for North
ERROR: Inappropriate window resolution request

Mapset <PERMANENT> in Location <cdrom> 
GRASS 4.1 > d.3d -0a map=nations. elevation=aspect. from_coordinate=2S,-105W,15 
WARNING: G_set_window(): Illegal latitude for North
ERROR: Inappropriate window resolution request

Mapset <PERMANENT> in Location <cdrom> 
GRASS 4.1 >  d.3d -0a map=nations. elevation=aspect. from_coordinate=150W,700S,700 
WARNING: G_set_window(): Illegal latitude for North
ERROR: Inappropriate window resolution request

Mapset <PERMANENT> in Location <cdrom> 
GRASS 4.1 > d.3d -0a map=nations. elevation=aspect. from_coordinate=700S,150W,700 
WARNING: G_set_window(): Illegal latitude for North
ERROR: Inappropriate window resolution request

and so on in all coordinate format.
Davide Frisoni                      |  e-mail(internet):
Forschungsinstitut fuer anwendungs- |  frisoni at faw.uni-ulm.de 
orientierte Wissensverarbeitung FAW |
Helmholzstr. 16                     |  Tel.:  +49-731-501 8626 
D-89081 Ulm, Germany                |  FAX:   +49-731-501 999

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