r.in.ascii r.out.ascii

Rick Thompson rick at cast.uark.edu
Thu Feb 10 18:10:28 EST 1994

  You can copy your old colr file to the r.in.ascii name (if this is your
problem). Geographic information may be obtained by the use of r.stats.
Hope this helps. Rick 

> hi 
>    i am trying to use r.out.ascii and r.in.ascii to convert a raster
> image to ascii and back. i tried to convert a raster image to ascii 
> and then the same image back to raster file but i seem to loose color
> information. 
> Also how can we extract the geographic information from a raw data 
> Thanks in advance.

Rick Thompson-   Research Assistant           E-mail: rick at cast.uark.edu
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies      Telephone: (501) 575-5736
Ozark Hall Rm. 12                             Fax: 575-3846 
University of Arkansas              
Fayetteville, AR 72701

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