problems with xdigit and MOTIF 1.2.2 on LINUX

Andreas Holz (CIP guests) asholz at
Mon Jan 10 12:14:48 EST 1994

Hello GRASS Programmers,

	here some more specific informations on my problem with 
	xdigit on MOTIF 1.2.2 and LINUX.

	Here a reduced call path:

	... some calls before

	make_custom_menu (custmenu, parent);            in panel.c
	-> make_custom_menu (parent, top)		in custommenu.c

	   ... some other calls
		-> cmenu=make_colors_menu(paremt)	in xcolor.c

	   If I put comments around the call of make_colors_menu(..) xdigit
           comes up an runs. The only problems is, if I load a vector dataset, place 
           a window on top of xdigit, or close a dialog box of xdigit, the region,
           which was covered by the overlaying window becomes white (how to solve this
           problem)!. I can clear this white region only by moving xdigit over 
           the screens border.

           If I compile xdigit with the call of make_colors_menu(..), there are
           several lines, which will cause an X-error during startup of xdigit:

		1. line 123
		   btns[i] = XtCreateManagedWidget (names[i], xmPushButtonWidgetClass, colorform, wargs, n);
                 names[i] contains the name of a bitmap defined in make_bitmaps.c
                 colorform is a ManagedWidget created in line 93
                 wargs is defined in several lines above line 120, the pixmap returned with XmGetPixmap
                   seems to be valid, but this entry causes the crash! If I change it to NULL (n=0),
                   there will be no error at this line 

	        2. line 132

                   labels[i] = XtCreateManagedWidget (" ", xmLabelWidgetClass, colorform, wargs, n);
                   causes the next X-error

                3. line 178

                   currcolor = XtCreateManagedWidget ("   ", xmLabelWidgetClass, colorform, wargs, n);
                   causes the next X-error

                I hope, thats all for the moment.

	It is a little bit peculiar, because similar calls to XtCreateManagedWidget in other modules seems
	to work properly, but what is the problem with xcolor.c.

	PS.  GRASS Version: 4.1
		   Updates: 1, 2 and 3

                        OS: Linux
	            Kernel: 99pl14
                      Libc: 4.4.4
                  X-Server: XFree86 2.0     

	Who is able to help?

	Is it possible to contact the author of xdigit (xcolor.c) directly?

	PPS. See my previous mails, there are others, who have the same problem, also on different os 	
	     an machines!

Dipl. Geol. Andreas Holz    email: asholz at
Institut fuer Geologie und Mineralogie
Schlossgarten 5
91054 Erlangen

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