XGRASS Motif and X11R5

Steven D Kroeker skroeker at mason1.gmu.edu
Wed Jan 12 23:34:45 EST 1994

I hope not to be bothering you, but I'm an HP 700 user and potential
Grass user.  I work in image processing and am wondering if Grass
can be used to simply display images, etc.  I have been
reading NetNews and it seems the conversation is mostly GIS.
I'm interested in using new tools on my HP, but don't want to
waste hours/days/weeks building and installing Grass.  I noticed
one archive file was listed as 125 megabytes.  Is the code/pictures
etc broke up in smaller chunks for human consumption.  One or two meg
chunks is more my size.  I can put them all together. 
Are there very many special things to do for HP's?  Is a C compiler
sufficient, or do you need Fortran too (I don't have Fortran).

Thanks for you time.

Steve Kroeker

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