Postscript from GRASS - yes again !!
Laurence A. McCaig
mccaigl at
Fri Jul 29 01:06:00 EDT 1994
In article <memo.773120 at> you wrote:
: Well we got the extra 4Mb of memory for our XL300 - I can now get Corel
: to plot a full A3 image onto it without the clipping that occurred with
: only 6Mb installed.
: Problem is that the output from GRASS is still being clipped 8-(
: I'm now well confused over this - I've used ghostscipt to view the test
: A3 and the X11 preview window does show that the 'paper' has the various
: lines and points on it. But sending it from our workstation, through to
: the same Novell printer server that Corel plotted on, and the result is a
: clipped plot - slightly more than an A4 plot in area.
: Could someone perhaps produce a simple A3 plot which I could ftp and try.
: Or suggest what I'm doing wrong.
: Thanks mucho in advance - because I know that you are all so eager to
: help - PLEASE
: Steve Culshaw
: NRA North West
: e-mail : nra at (use this for general usage)
: or sculshaw at (Private - only checked at best
: biweekly)
I cannot answer your question, but perhaps you can answer mine.
I have a client/server application which requires me to send one page of
postscript information from a client (VAX running VMS (ugh)) to a server
on an HP-UNIX server running ghostscript.
I don't know how from the server side to tell ghostscript to
release the image that I have sent it, so that I can send a new one. (If
interactive, it expects a break ^c command followed by quit. That will
work, but is slow. Do you know of a driver that will do the job faster?
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