Xgrass .Xdefaults

Chris Rewerts rewerts at osiris.cso.uiuc.edu
Wed Oct 12 15:45:02 EDT 1994

In info.grass.programmer you write:


>Is there an .Xdefaults file somewhere that could make xgrass4.1 
>interface more suitable to my eyes. The actual font is very small and the color
>is kind of yellow-green. If you are not mercy with this humble grasshopper,
>eventually i will have to run xgrass with
>the aid of a blind's man dog.


> (~)(+)
>   ..
>  <-->

>Alejandro Hinojosa
>Research Associate
>Earth Science Division
>CICESE (Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y Educacion Superior de Ensenada)
>Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.

>Mailing address: P.O. Box 434843
>                 San Diego Ca. 92143-4843
>voice; (01152)6674-4501 to 08 fax:(01152)6674-4933
>email: alhinc at cicese.mx  (

Take a look in $GISBASE/etc/app-defaults
There will probably be some files that do not belong in there, but
try playing with "XGrass" and "XClip"... I have been able to control
color and font for xgrass, xclip, xghelp, the 'xgrass output editor'
and such. It takes some trial and error. Some of the items in the 
lists seemed to work and others didn't. Your mileage may vary.

I suggest making a directory under your $HOME for this stuff, and
then set the environment variable XAPPLRESDIR to the path of that
directory. Then your X applications/programs will know to look there.

If you look under lib/X11/app-defaults (in whereever your X11 stuff
is installed) or /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults (if you live on the SUNny
side of the screen)  you will see the app-defaults for some other
programs as examples.

Yet another way to play with the parameters is from the commandline.
Try this:

xrdb -merge (the program will read from the command line until
             you type control-D or whatever your EOF is)

XGrass*foreground: green
XGrass*background: grey20
XGrass*fontList: *adobe*cour*bold-r*norm*14*
(then type a control-d)

now start xgrass and see if you can read the menus...

Chris Rewerts

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