Grass - Mapgen

N R A nra at
Fri Sep 16 09:33:00 EDT 1994

Could some kind person tell me (in words of one syllable) what I need to 
do to get Mapgen working with Grass ? and then
instructions on how to produce a simple map.

I've 'gmake4.1' on just about every directory I can find. When I type 
'mapgen4.1' in the command prompt changes to
>GRASS-MAPGEN and I can use the scripts such as 'make.line'. When I try 
the 'make.def' I get an error or can only create a 'map.def.par' file. 

I haven't tried to compile 'proj' - don't have gcc

Are there any manuals in electronic format available from any ftp site ?

Thanks for any help,

Steve Culshaw
NRA North West
e-mail : nra at (use this for general usage)
or         sculshaw at (Private - only checked at best 

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