Linux Install Problem

Beverley Zakaluk zakaluk at CC.UManitoba.CA
Wed Sep 21 13:09:18 EDT 1994

Hello everyone:

I recently downloaded the linux version of grass4.1 and ran the
installation script with no problem.  I am using the 0.99.13 linux kernel.
 When I try to run grass using the command "grass4.1", I get the following

/usr/grass/etc/lock: can't load dynamic limker '/lib/'
Unable to properly access /home/grass/.gislock
Please notify system personel.

I edited "grass4.1" to reflect my installation location as follows:

GISBASE= /usr/grass
export GISBASE
exec $GISBASE/etc/

I realize that there is a .gislock and .grassrc file tha tmus tbe located
in the user's home directory, but am unsure of what should be in them.

Can anyone be of assistance?

Thanks in adavnce....

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