ANNOUNCE: Vendor Seminar for Earth Observation Data Access
Bill North
north at
Tue Aug 15 08:00:00 EDT 1995
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ANNOUNCE: Vendor Seminar for Earth Observation Data Access
NASA is interested in introducing you to its proposed data standards for
Earth science data. The Earth Observing System (EOS) Data and
Information System (EOSDIS) will archive and distribute Earth science
data sets for a very large user community. Information about EOSDIS is
attached. The Earth Science Data and Information System Project (ESDISP)
is committed to providing easy access to its data. EOSDIS will use a
standard format for data set generation, ingest, and distribution.
It is the goal of EOSDIS to provide interoperability among the Earth
science users which will allow them to interchange data and use a large
suite of analysis and visualization tools. If you have a World Wide Web
(WWW) browser, such as Mosaic, there is an EOSDIS WWW server with
further information about EOSDIS development at the following URL
address: "".
Standards regarding structure and format of the Earth science data sets
to be distributed have been prototyped using the Hierarchical Data
Format (HDF) over the past four years. The National Center for
Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign is the developer of HDF. In September 1993, the ESDISP
adopted HDF as a baseline standard for EOSDIS development for its data
sets. For more information on HDF, including the HDF Reference Manual,
the URL for the HDF server is "".
Over the past two years, the ESDISP has developed EOS conventions for
science data and metadata in implementing HDF. These conventions
provide a consistent, self-describing collection of data objects that
model the Earth science data. The EOSDIS developers are building a
subroutine library that will encapsulate these conventions.
The ESDISP is currently contacting vendors, both commercial and public
domain, regarding their interest in learning more about the EOS
conventions and HDF. The ESDISP proposes that a seminar on EOS
conventions and HDF be held in the Washington, DC area in early fall.
If you have interest in attending this seminar, please contact us by e-
mail address via Karen Whalen, CSC, karenw at; or by
phone: (301) 794-1854. Please provide your name, company name and
address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address. Please respond
by the end of August 1995.
Based on your positive response, final arrangements will be made as to
the exact date and place for the seminar. If you prefer to use postal
mail or would like to send information about your product, please send
to Ted Meyer, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 505, Greenbelt, MD
Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS)
The Earth Observing System (EOS) is the centerpiece of Mission to Planet
Earth (MTPE). MTPE is a NASA-initiated concept that will address the
interdisciplinary global change issues with its long-term satellite
observations of the Earth and its comprehensive Data and Information
System. The Earth-observing capability will operate for at least 15
years, generating terabytes of data each day.
EOSDIS will manage the data resulting from NASA's Earth science research
satellites and field measurement programs. NASA is implementing EOSDIS
using a distributed, open system architecture. EOSDIS will provide end-
to-end services from EOS instrument data collection to science data
processing to full access to EOS and other Earth science data holdings.
Various Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) have been selected by
NASA to carry out the responsibilities for processing, archiving and
distributing EOS and related data, and for providing a full range of
user support. DAAC assignments were based primarily on the current
distribution of scientific expertise and institutional heritage and
The key EOSDIS Core System goal is to provide a highly adaptable
infrastructure that is responsive to the evolving needs of the Earth
science community in understanding global change.
The EOSDIS Core System architectural features include:
Distributed search and access
- Inter- and intra-DAAC services
- Integration of additional DAAC-unique and
user supplied search services
Advertisements of new services
- New and modified product sets
- Submitted by producers
Logical collections
- Data modeled on Earth science data taxonomies
- Context and relationships captured for
items within a collection
Integration of investigator tools
- Interoperability via standard data and
control exchange protocols
Transparent access to system-wide resources
- ECS client applications (user interfaces)
- Advertising and subscriptions services
Search and access across multiple
heterogeneous servers
- Multiple protocols, including
User capability to combine ECS services
in arbitrary ways
- Defined interfaces and associated protocols
Interoperability with heterogeneous systems
- Standard browse and data retrieval
formats and protocols
Layered services
- Minimize impact of technology insertion
User access to core system services
- API toolkit
- Customize user interface
- Software libraries, documentation,
configuration tools, and APIs
- Develop, insert and test new methods
at their local site
Ted Meyer NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
EOSDIS Information Architect Earth Science Data and
Information System Project
e-mail:ted at Code 505
Greenbelt, MD 20771
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