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Grass package
grass at
Mon Aug 21 08:00:00 EDT 1995
The MAPSET should be used to hold thematically or organisationally related
sets of maps for a particular LOCATION.
Eg, for LOCATION Texas you might want a MAPSET NatParc for all maps to do
with national parcs in Texas, or a MAPSET Chris for Chris' research project.
> Hello,
> I was trying to get some clarification on the database structures of
> Grass :-)
> I know that they are set as follows:
> GISDBASE - the top level of the database
> LOCATIONS - independent databases within GISDBASE
> MAPSET - under locations, provides more detail.
> As an example, does this sound OK
> (Country) GISDBASE - United States
> (State)LOCATIONS - Texas, California, New York, etc.
> (City) MAPSET - San Francisco, Dallas, New York, Houston, etc.
> Or should it be organized differently?
> Would appreciate some help in this matter.
> Thanks
> Casey
> One must note the importance of setting reasonable and achievable goals for
> "If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time"
> -Theodore Roosevelt
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