Negative numbers

Pascal Gouery - UHB - 99 33 52 52 gouery at
Mon Oct 16 08:00:00 EDT 1995

>From: alobo at (Agustin Lobo)
>Subject:grass negative numbers?
>Date: 9 Oct 95 18:10:22 GMT
>Message-ID:<120*alobo at>
>How is grass writing negative numbers? I've made a C program
>to import uncompressed binary cell raster files and I get
>wrong results with negatives, even if I read them as
>long integers. I get numbers like :

I haven't my documentation here in my office - I forgot it at home -,
but as far as i remember, Grass doesn't use "two's complement" as many
computers/softwares. It just uses the first bit as a flag, and the others
bits codes the number as a positive number. For more info, e-mail me or post
another message in the list, i'll search info and ref in the documentation.

                        Hope this helps you,

        |       Pascal GOUERY           :       Tel.:            |
        |       C.R.I.                  :               |
        |       Universite de Rennes 2  :       Fax.:            |
        |       6, Av G.Berger          :                                    |
        |       35043 RENNES CEDEX      :       e.mail: Pascal.Gouery at Uhb.Fr |
        |       FRANCE                  :                                    |

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