
Zhian Li zhian_li at qmgate.anl.gov
Mon Feb 12 07:00:00 EST 1996

Mail*Link(r) SMTP               Digitizer

Hi fellows:    We are trying to install an Altech digitizer.   We are
currently using the floating point grass.   We followed the instructions given
in the grass installation guide and ran the diagnostic program.  It seemed the
test is all right.   However, when we ran v.digit, after we enter the required
parameters for the output map and the program kicked us out and hung there.  
The error message is:  
                   Major axis, radius = 0, or not specified.      
                   Cannot initialize pj.

Has there be anyone experienced the same problem?   Any idea and suggestion is
highly appreciated.    Thank you in advances.

              Zhian LI

              Argonne National Lab.

              zhian_li at qmgate.anl.gov

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