Two IT positions with WA Dept. of Natura
Stenseng, Stein
Mon May 13 08:00:00 EDT 1996
We are assisting Washington State Department of Natural Resources in a
search for two information technology positions, Data Administration Manager
and Planning and Coordination Manger, for their Information Technology
Division. I am asking your help in locating both potential sources as well
as candidates. If you know someone who may be interested in either
position, please feel free to share this information with them. We
appreciate any assistance you may be able to provide. I may be contacted
via phone: (360) 664-9658, FAX: (360) 586-6695, or E-Mail:
lindar at Thanks very much for your help. Look forward to
hearing from you.
Department of Natural Resources
Data Administration Manager
Information Technology Division
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is searching for
a Data Administration Manager who will be responsible for the development of
agency policy and procedures for managing electronic shared data. These
include data administration, data dictionary administration, and data base
administration. This position offers opportunity for a skilled technician
who also has hands-on leadership experience and will be located at the DNR
Headquarters in Olympia, Washington.
The Data Administration Manager reports to the Information Technology (IT)
Division Manager and is responsible for working with agency personnel on IT
developmental projects and providing data analysis and data base management
for all projects using agency shared data. The incumbent will assist in
developing IT systems to logically and physically design and store
electronic data to support the business needs of the agency. He or she will
actively participate in the development of statewide data standards and will
review and comment on federal data standard proposals. The Manager will
recommend data stewards - those responsible for making agency decisions
regarding stored electronic data. The incumbent will develop and implement
procedures for use of Computer Assisted Systems Engineering (CASE) and will
serve as a liaison with other agencies on the sharing of data. He or she
will oversee the development of comprehensive models of the agency*s data
and use these models during IT projects. The Manager will plan, lead,
organize, and control the work performed by the data administration unit
which consists of eight technical employees. The incumbent will ensure
appropriate and optimum use of the organization resources and enhance the
effectiveness of employees through timely appraisal and professionally
development opportunity.
To be competitive, candidates must have a broad understanding of IT concepts
(process, data, and network) and how they interrelate. An in-depth
knowledge of data resource management is essential. A mathematical
background coupled with an thorough understanding of business driven
development methodology is highly desirable. Those with a demonstrated
ability to manage a group consisting of highly technical specialists in
several areas will be given preference. Strong communication skills, both
written and oral, are a must. Successful candidates will have a proven
track record of managing team dynamics, group communications, and customer
The Data Administration Manager reports to the IT Division Manager. The
compensation for this position is between $42,000 and $51,780 annually
depending upon qualifications. The state also offers a benefit package
including medical, dental, and life insurance coverage. This position is in
the Washington Management Service (WMS).
Those interested in this position may apply by submitting a current rDTsumDT,
a complete list of five references, the affirmative action information
request (on the reverse side of this announcement), and a letter of interest
specifically addressing the qualifications listed in this announcement to:
Ted Koska, Executive Search Services Manager
Washington State Department of Personnel
600 South Franklin; P.O. Box 47530
Olympia, Washington 98504-7530
Voice/Message: (360) 664-0394; FAX: (360) 586-6695
E-Mail Address: tedk at
Home Page:
All materials must be received by June 7, 1996. FAX transmissions will also
be accepted. The State of Washington and the Department of Natural Resources
actively support diversity in the workplace. Women, racial and ethnic
minorities, persons of disability, disabled veterans, and Viet Nam era
veterans are all encouraged to apply. Applicants needing assistance or
alternative formats in the process should contact Linda Riggle at (360)
664-9685 or TDD at (360) 753-4107.
RECRUITMENT SCHEDULE (subject to minor changes)
Creation of Finalist 6/14/96
/27 & 28/96
Background Checks Completed 7/9/96
Client Review of 7/12/96
Top Candidate Offered
Department of Natural Resources
Planning and Coordination Manager
Information Technology Division
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is searching for
a Planning and Coordination Manager to lead the Planning and Coordination
Section of the Information Technology (IT) Division. This position will
offer a rewarding challenge for an experienced information technology
manager who can effectively communicate and operate in a highly visible
agency-wide professional capacity. This position is located at the DNR
Headquarters in Olympia, Washington.
The incumbent reports to the IT Division Manager and is responsible for
developing agency information technology plans, standards, policies, and
procedures. In addition, the Planning and Coordination Manager is the
agencies primary liaison with the Department of Information Services as well
as the region and division IT Coordinators. The Manager will be required to
facilitate and coordinate with multiple groups and projects inside and
outside of the agency to ensure that the business needs of the agency are
met. He or she will oversee the development of the DNR*s plans for
information technology, security, and disaster recovery, also the
comprehensive models of business processes. The position requires
outstanding communication skills across a broad spectrum of technology and
management levels. The manager must be able to present complex IT material
to senior management, regional coordinators, and user groups. The position
manages three staff with an extremely heavy work load; it will be necessary
for the Manager to prioritize multiple projects with variable timelines.
The primary challenge of this position is to successfully establish a
credible Planning and Coordination Section which brings together both
technical and professional staff.
Competitive candidates will have excellent written and oral communication
skills including the ability to listen effectively. This position requires
an aggressive, dynamic, productive, and realistic individual who is
politically astute. Successful candidates will have a high level of
knowledge in application development, data administration, network
management, IT platforms, and IT industry standards. Strategic and
tactical planning experience is desirable. Those candidates with up-to-date
IT experience including business process, design, and project management,
be given preference. Although the position is technical in nature, the
DNR is most interested in candidates with contemporary leadership/management
skills. These include refined people skills, honest and open approach, and
the ability to build long-term positive relationships.
The Planning and Coordination Manager reports to the IT Division Manager.
The compensation for this position is between $42,000 and $51,780 annually
depending upon qualifications. The state also offers a benefit package
including medical, dental, and life insurance coverage. This position is in
the Washington Management Service (WMS).
Those interested in this position may apply by submitting a current rDTsumDT,
a complete list of five references, the affirmative action information
request (on the reverse side of this announcement), and a letter of interest
specifically addressing the qualifications listed in this announcement to:
Ted Koska, Executive Search Services Manager
Washington State Department of Personnel
600 South Franklin; P.O. Box 47530
Olympia, Washington 98504-7530
Voice/Message: (360) 664-0394; FAX: (360) 586-6695
E-Mail Address: tedk at
Home Page:
All materials must be received by June 7, 1996. FAX transmissions will also
be accepted. The State of Washington and the Department of Natural Resources
actively support diversity in the workplace. Women, racial and ethnic
minorities, persons of disability, disabled veterans, and Viet Nam era
veterans are all encouraged to apply. Applicants needing assistance or
alternative formats in the process should contact Linda Riggle at (360)
664-9685 or TDD at (360) 753-4107.
RECRUITMENT SCHEDULE (subject to minor changes)
Creation of Finalist 6/14/96
Background Checks 7/9/96
Client Review of
Top Candidate Offered
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is a unique
agency with a diverse set of challenging proprietary and regulatory
The agency manages more than five million acres of state forests,
agricultural, urban, and aquatic lands. DNR also administers forests
practices, surface land mining, smoke management and other regulatory
programs. The agency is responsible for fighting and preventing forest
wildfires on nearly twelve million acres of state and private forest lands.
The DNR employees approximately thirteen hundred people, located in Olympia
and throughout the state at seven regional offices.
The DNR is led by the Commissioner of Public Lands, a statewide elected
official, and is recognized nationwide for many of its innovative
Within Washington*s boundaries, one can find oceans, rain forests,
mountains, and deserts. For the outdoor enthusiast, the options for
recreation are almost limitless and include skiing, backpacking, and
camping. Eastern Washington offers a dry, semiarid climate and is a gateway
to spectacular wilderness areas in northern and central Idaho, northeastern
Washington, and Canada. Access to large bodies of both fresh and salt water
offer the boating, sailing, and windsurfing enthusiast boundless
opportunity. The state also boasts some of the best hunting and fishing in
the entire country. Washington is viewed as a progressive and innovative
state where people are outgoing and friendly. Seattle, Washington*s largest
city, is located on Elliott Bay, one of the West Coast*s most picturesque
natural ports. State residents enjoy a quality of life enhanced by natural
beauty, a mild year-round climate, and an international atmosphere.
Washington State established an executive search unit within the Department
of Personnel in May of 1992 to assist state agencies, boards, and
commissions identify, screen, and hire top-notch executive talent. The
unit*s primary focus is searches at the director, deputy and assistant
director level within the exempt civil service. In addition, the staff has
accepted and completed a number of cases where candidates were hard to find
or where agency recruitment efforts had not identified an adequate candidate
pool. Stressing professional and confidential service, delivered on time and
within budget, the program has earned an excellent reputation not only in
Washington State but also at the national level. Washington is presently the
only state in the union with such a program and has been used as a model for
other public sector entities. The program is available to any state agency,
board, commission, or institution of higher education as well as other
public-sector governmental jurisdictions.
Affirmative Action Information
If you have decided to apply for this position, the Executive Search
Services would appreciate you voluntary cooperation in responding to the
questions below. This information will assist in ensuring equal employment
opportunity and is strictly confidential, available only to authorized ESS
staff and the hiring authority. Please circle or write appropriate
1. What race or culture do you consider yourself? If you are more than
one race, please circle *Other Race*.
Chinese Vietnamese Filipino Asian Indian Hawaii
Japanese Korean Cambodian Samoan Laotian
Guamanian Black White Eskimo Aleut
Spanish Latino(a) Hispanic
Other race (specify):__________________________________________
American Indian (what tribe?):___________________________________
2. Are you: Male Female
3. Have you ever been on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces? YES
(if circled, SEE 3a and 3b) NO
3a. Dates Served: from_____/_____/_____ to _____/_____/_____ 3b. Are
you a disabled veteran? YES (____%) NO
4. Do you have any physical, sensory, or mental condition that limits any
of your major life functions? YES NO
Date of Birth:________________________________________________
Social Security Number:________________________________________
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