ranci at
Tue Nov 12 07:00:00 EST 1996
At 12.15 23/10/96 +0200, you wrote:
>At 18.12 22/10/96 +0100, you wrote:
>>I am a Grassland user and I would need an help about function=
>>function is not in the help on line on Grassland).
>>Actually I need to import data from arc/info but I did not understand
>>exactly how.
>>Above all I need to understand the meanning of:
>>-ID number column in label-text file
>>-GRASS category column in label-text file
>>-GRASS attribute column in label-text file.
>ID number column is the column of an internal Arc/INFO ID, the same which
>identifies the lines in the .lin or .pol file.
>The category is the integer value (the v.digit label) that you want to be
>connected to the line and the attribute is a text (not longer than a word,
>without blanks) related to the category.
>Both the .txt and the .lin files (for a line vector) or the .txt + .pol +
>.lab files (for a polygon vector) are created by Arc/INFO UNGENERATE=
>I hope I don't have additionally confused you.
>I'll be glad to explain me better (maybe in Italian) if you want me to.
>Ciao, Elena
Ciao Elena,
grazie delle informazioni per=F2 non sono sicura di aver capito bene come=
fare ad importare dei dati dal formato Arc-info ungenerate al formato di=
Premetto che non conosco il formato di arc-info.
Tra le risposte alla mia mail, ho ricevuto la seguente:
"....The truth is that the data supplier need only ungenerate once, assuming
that he/she dumps all Arc attributes at that time.
The rub is that GRASS only allows one attribute at a time to be
associated with the polygons. Therefore, *on the user's side*, at the
time the file is imported with, the user will have to pick an
attribute, or, alternatively, create one GRASS layer per attribute."
questo significa che se devo importare una carta delle isoipse devo
importare uno per uno tutti gli insiemi delle isoipse di una data quota?
Ho capito bene?=20
Chiariscimi le idee per favore!
Grazie e ciao,
e-mail: ranci at
Giovanna Ranci Ortigosa
student of Enviromental Engineering
Politecnico di Milano
e_mail: ranci at
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