compiling grass4.1 on solaris 2.5

P.J. Daugherty P.J.Daugherty at
Wed Sep 11 08:00:00 EDT 1996

Dear folks,
        We are finally getting around to compiling (attempting to)
grass4.1 (update 5) on a sparc 10 running solaris 2.5.  We are getting a lot of
warnings on individual programs and a number of fatal errors.  Has any  done a 
similar compilation? And if so could you forward the head file and any other 
changes / info needed to get a clean compile.  If you need additional info I ca
forward the output from comile script.

thanks in advance


P. J. Daugherty                 P.J.Daugherty at 
School of Forestry              (520) 523-6650 -- office
P. O. Box 15018                 (520) 523-1080 -- FAX 
Northern Arizonia University    Flagstaff AZ 86011

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