Avg. Distance in Downhill Direction

Howard Evan Canfield canfield at ag.arizona.edu
Sun Mar 15 07:00:00 EST 1998

I sent this question about a week ago, and I realized after not hearing a
response, that perhaps I had not explained myself well.

> I need to find a way to convert a sub-basin element (e.g. an element in
> a half-basin map generated in r.watershed) to a rectangle of equal
> area.  I need to preserve the average distance in the downhill direction
> from the original sub-basin element.

What I mean by "convert" here is that I need a way to calculate the
dimensions of a rectangle of equal area as my original element.  The output
could be in the same form as something like r.volume - a text file giving
the average downhill length of each of my original elements.  In other
words, I do not need a raster display of rectangles, I need the results of a

> Does anyone have a good idea on how I might do this.  I would appreciate
> any advice.

Once again, I would appreciate any thoughts on how I might do this.

> Evan
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Howard Evan Canfield
> Department of Agricultural and
> Biosystems Engineering
> University of Arizona
> Tucson, Az. 85721
> canfield at ag.arizona.edu
> ph. (520) 621-4363
> FAX1 (520) 621-4363 (option #2)
> FAX2 (520) 621-3963
> ----------------------------------------------------

Howard Evan Canfield
Department of Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering
University of Arizona
Tucson, Az. 85721

canfield at ag.arizona.edu

ph. (520) 621-4363
FAX1 (520) 621-4363 (option #2)
FAX2 (520) 621-3963

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