[GRASS5] i.ortho.photo fix

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Fri Dec 17 10:22:06 EST 1999

Hi Bruce,

I think you mean i.ortho.photo/menu/main.c?

If so, please look at Gmakefile. The main.c is
obsolete :-) Only menuc. and run.c are used.

i.ortho.photo only contains the following bugs:

1. When setting the second (corresponding) passpoint
on toposheet reference (or whatever you use) in right
window, this point is only chown *after* accepting it
in terminal window ("look o.k.:" yes). This happens in
menu point (6) chosen from main menu.

2. You have to create an imagery group before using
i.ortho.photo, otherwise it
  - either it does not start at all (case: you remove the last
     active group)
  - or it asks for an existing group 
I think it would be better to create the group within the module
using menu (1).

Generally it is great that GRASS provides such an module.
Currently I am searching for a stereo analysis tool.

Best regards

On Thu, Dec 16, 1999 at 02:16:27PM -0600, Bruce_Byars at baylor.edu wrote:
> Look below:
> Between comments.  Opening brace included but not the
> close brace.

> /***
>     I_location_info (title, argv[0]);
>     while(1)
>     {
>         if (!I_vask_block_new (info, block, "EXIT"))
>             break;
>         new = !I_find_block (block);
>         if (new)
>         {
>             sprintf (buf,"\n%s - does not exist, ", block);
>             G_warning (buf);
>             continue;
>         }
>         if (!I_vask_subblock_old (info, block, subblock, 0, ""))
>             break;
> ****/
>         menu (block, subblock);
>     }
>     return 0;
> }

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