[GRASS5] Re: license issues

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Fri Nov 26 04:16:11 EST 1999

> ludcmp routine - finds inverse of matrix A
> lubksb routine - multiplies inverse of matrix A (from lucmp) by matrix b
>                     and returns matrix x (weights) in "b".   =20
> I recommend removing these commands from the grass-beta source code
> until some rewrites these basic functions or the copyright situtation
> is clarified. I think the algorithms can be
> found in any good algebra book. Somebody just have to do it.

Hi Bernhard,

from my thesis work I can give you a routine for matrix inversion.
I have written a SVD (singular value decomposition) routine and
other routines. My other matrix operations are based on
Meschach: Matrix computations in C

A lot of other stuff is at: NETLIB
->  fftpack
        for: Fast Fourier Transform of periodic and other symmetric
-> itpack
for: Iterative Linear System Solvers 

        Jacobi method, SOR, SSOR with conjugate gradient acceleration 
        or with Chebyshev (semi-iteration - SI) acceleration.

Perhaps you could check the license issues here?



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