[GRASS5] projection-transformation

Helena Mitasova - staff helena at gis.uiuc.edu
Fri Dec 22 09:59:41 EST 2000

>The resulting UTM/international/eur50 datum location looks like this:
> - GLOBE DEM 1km and GSHHS match rather good
> - boundaries are shifted (why? - I didn't supervised their work)

Markus, I am glad that somebody else got this problem too!
Bill and I had to import data for various locations from arc/info into UTM
but also into state plane,
(usually shape files) and we had the vector data often shifted
compared to raster data - the difference is equivalent to
the difference in datums used in US, so at least in one case Bill
was able to re-project them through different location to get them right.
However the input data were supposed to be in the same projection.
I did not have time to figure out whether I am doing something wrong
but I am suspicious that there might be a bug - I haven't seen
people complaining about it though, so it may be my mistake
(or your student's) too - check your datums.


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