[GRASS5] [GRASS-bugs] Bugreport GRASS 5

Wwises at hpcc.nectec.or.th Wwises at hpcc.nectec.or.th
Sun Dec 17 23:55:08 EST 2000

Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by
 (Wwises at hpcc.nectec.or.th) on Monday, December 18, 2000 at 04:55:08

subject: Bugreport GRASS 5

platform: Linux/Intel

vendor: RedHat

cputype: Intel (i486, i586, pentium ...)

grassversion: Linux/Intel binaries

cvsyesno: -- select --

source_version: 5beta10

module: v.in.arc

bugreport: Both the tcltkgrass version and the interactive command line version seem to fail if the full path is used to define the input .lin or .pol file. This is confusing especially with tcltkgrass since using the "file" pushbutton to find the input file results in a full path definition.

Error message from tcltkgrass version:

v.in.arc: Coverage type = polygon
Illegal filename. character </> not allowed.Cannot find ARC/INFO lines file </home/grass/data/tiwrm/PERMANENT/arc/forest.pol>

Error message from command line interactive:

Enter the name of the file created with the LINES
option of the ARC/INFO Ungenerate command
Hit RETURN to cancel request
> /home/grass/data/tiwrm/PERMANENT/arc/forest.pol
WARNING: File could NOT be opened for reading

Result of "pwd" and "ls -l forest.pol"

GRASS:~/data/tiwrm/PERMANENT/arc > pwd
GRASS:~/data/tiwrm/PERMANENT/arc > ls -l forest.pol
-rwxr-xr-x    1 grass    users     2351796 Dec 15 10:03 forest.pol

So, the file exists and is readable.

However, specifying the file without the full path in interactive mode seems to work.

PS The code package input field in this form should also be used for binary packages.

compiler: -- select --

name: Wisa Wisesjindawat


REMOTE_HOST: cache1.nectec.or.th

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