[GRASS5] cygwin/windows port

Mike Thomas mthomas at gil.com.au
Sun Dec 3 15:48:33 EST 2000

Hi Andreas.

> without any problems.

There are still autoconfig problems

- Needs to choose "bison -y" instead of "yacc".

- Doesn't find openGL libraries.

>Thanks to John Huddleston for his great work.


> - compile the source as it is under cygwin, including the XDRIVER for
> graphics and install the Cygwin port of X11R6.4. This has the problem
> that you use grass from an X Window server on Windows, which is
> unfamiliar to windows users. And the X11R6.4 port is beta only,
> complicated to install and crashes sometimes. And i haven't seen a
> tcl/tk port for X Window under Windows yet. So tcltkgrass does not work
> right now. Only commandline/XDRIVER.

Is there a fifo implementation yet?  My understanding is that none of this
will work without it.

> - compile under cygwin, create a new windows graphics DRIVER, use
> tcltkgrass with the Windows-wish (cygwish).
> I can start tcltkgrass with the cygwish with some modifications. This
> would not require to install the X11 system and would run in the windows
> graphics, which is a big advantage (familiar usage).
> Writing a graphics driver for windows should not be too complicated for
> a windows programmer (i can assist as i already wrote a new driver for
> GRASS). But i don't know if it is possible to compile this driver
> without MS Visual C++. The headers and API is there, e. g. the cygwish
> port uses this setup.

As you say, Cygwin has Windows API headers.  I'm not sure what the driver
would need that you would need MSVC++ for.  There is also the mingw compiler
(gcc without Cygwin).

If the fifo problem is not an issue, please tell me what to do to make a
driver, and I will think about building one.  I am unsure of how much time I
will have over the next two months, but I can at least work out what is


Mike Thomas.

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