[GRASS5] closing monitors by click

Andreas Lange Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de
Fri Dec 1 14:31:04 EST 2000

Hi Eric, Hi Markus,

> Hi Eric,
> you are right:
> if I click the close button on the monitor, then do
> d.mon -L
> name            description                    status
> ----            -----------                    ------
> (which works!) , the window will immediately close. Even with any other
> d.* command.
> Hopefully this is an indicator.
> Yours
>  Markus

I can confirm this. I get a warning "Explicit shutdown or X connection
lost" etc. on invoking d.mon -L or d.mon start=x0. So Erics assuption is
I have still an unstripped build of grass around, but it is difficult to
debug this because the driver is forked and not connected to a terminal. 
I'll look again. The problme must be on the side of the driver, the fix
now in io.c was on the side of the raster lib. So the file SWITCHER.c is
the place to look.

The file ServeXevent.c seems to be the place to change the "button" or
action the monitor is closed with. I think it should be possible to use
"close" instead of "kill" (these names may vary across the different
window managers). I'll dig into the documentation. 

But this'll have to wait, my build is currently switched to the ipc



Andreas Lange, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany, Tel. +49 611 807850
Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de - A.C.Lange at GMX.net

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