[GRASS5] d.dm

Radim Blazek Radim.Blazek at dhv.cz
Wed Jul 19 06:22:41 EDT 2000

Justin Hickey wrote:
> Hi Radim
> On Jul 17,  9:37am, Radim Blazek wrote:
> > Subject: Re: [GRASS5] d.dm
> > > thank you very much for the display manager.
> > > I like the concept and think that it could be expanded to a fully
> > > functional "Map Manager" in GRASS.
> > >
> > > I had some time ago the idea of a similar program, but no time to spent
> > > on it. My idea was slightly different, i think one should use a
> > > tree-like widget to display the items to display in one window (with the
> > > Set as the root, no need to display more than one set at a time). The
> > > window on the right could contain an entry widget with all the options
> > > for the currently selected display item,
> >
> > I will think about tree+entry (d.dm window displays also something
> > like legend (color(s), icon,..) and so tree should contain these items.
> > Changing color would require 3 clicks instead of 2)
> If you are interested in creating a tree widget, then you should look into the
> $GISBASE/bwidget Tcl/Tk library. It includes functions to create a tree widget
> and may be useful to you. I haven't used the tree widget myself, but I am using
> other bwidget features for the Tcl/Tk version of v.digit, as well as the new
> initialization routines. There are README files in the bwidget directory that
> inform you how to use bwidget with GRASS as well as how to run the demo scripts
> and find the html man pages.
> I'm sorry I did not have time to try your code, and this suggestion could be
> totally off-base. I just thought this may be useful to you.

Almost everything in d.dm is based on BWidget. 
Thank you for commiting BWidget into GRASS source.


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