[GRASS5] datum support in GRASS

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Mon Jul 17 05:25:15 EDT 2000

On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 10:26:25AM +0200, Michel Wurtz - ENGEES/CEREG wrote:
> Rich Shepard wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, Andreas Lange wrote:
> > 
> > > Could please tell me someone if there are GRASS applications that use
> > > resolutions with sub-meter or meter range and interface with programs that
> > > use datum shifting?
> > 
> > Andreas,
> > 
> >   In my areas of expertise (ecology, biology, hydrology) there is almost
> > never a need for accuracies greater than ~5 meters. Then, there are the
> > accuracies of source data to be considered. For example, here in the US,
> Hmmm... I'm working with agriculture involved people, and for
> precision farming : they want a precision up to 10 cm or less.
> They don't use yet Grass, but some (expensive) commercial GIS.
> On the other hand, the only transformation needed is for converting
> precision GPS coordinates into our (wonderfull) lambert conical
> (and very specific : the formulas are not implemented in proj.4)
> projection on our (french modified and also wonderfull :-) Clarke
> 1880 ellispoid.

Sidenote: Michel, perhaps you contact Frank Warmerdam on this!
He might be willing to add missing formulas to PROJ4 as they currently
revise this software: As GRASS uses PROJ4, it will be a good idea.

Best wishes


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