[GRASS5] v.out.e00 is ready

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Fri Jun 16 10:30:57 EDT 2000

Dear Michel!

On Fri, Jun 16, 2000 at 03:26:13PM +0200, Michel Wurtz - ENGEES/CEREG wrote:
> Dear Markus (and others),
> After two long night, I finaly have something that mimics (as far
> as I know) the e00 format.  The boring thing was to create the
> "universe" polygon beloved by Arc/Info.

I have added it to CVS. The HTML page is moved to the ../../html/ 

Another step to improve GRASS' acceptance!
Even without ARC* we can exchange data now and keep the topolgy.

Many thanks, Michel,


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