[GRASS5] Poll to remove XGRASS from source

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Mon May 29 12:23:15 EDT 2000

Hi Robert,
welcome to the GRASS community.

On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 12:19:56PM -0400, Robert Lagacé wrote:
> I am a new suscriber to GRASS that we plan to use.  For GUI, we use 
> wxWindows which work with GTK, Motif, Windows95/98/NT and MAC (with some 
> delay).  This is a high level API using C++.  It is interesting to consider

We know about wxWindows.
Right now GRASS uses tcl/tk which is also cross-platform and might
even work on more platforms as wxWindows.

If a new GUI should be written, my best candidat would be wxPython.
C++ is too cumbersome as programming language, and should IMO be
avoided. (Please no flame war on this one. Some people like it, I know.
And a good programmer can construct programms in any language.)

Professional Service around Free Software                (intevation.net)  
The FreeGIS Project				            (freegis.org)
Association for a Free Informational Infrastructure            (ffii.org)
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