[GRASS5] New initialization code

Andreas Lange Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de
Wed Nov 29 12:25:08 EST 2000


Eric Mitchell wrote:
> On Unix systems, "ln -s `which wish` $GISBASE/bin/grasswish".
> Any desired wish could be used, configure could take a
> --with-wish=/path/to/mywish argument for configurability,
> or check for "wish, wish8.0, etc." for known working versions.

I think that this has the problem that it must be implemented somehow
with the install script too, as re-compiling should be (at least for
linux) the exeption, not the standard. 

> On WinXX systems, The tcl-restart hack doesn't work anyway,
> and you have to either type "wish /path/to/tcltkgrass", or
> even better, create a tcltkgrass.bat file that does the same
> thing, i.e. "wish /path/to/tcltkgrass %1 %2 %3 %4 ... %9".

If there is an running X server and a tk shell the tcltkgrass startup
could be make working for windows too. 
> This way, the user can update their wish, and grass doesn't
> necessarily rely on a particular version of wish, just a link
> from (or copy in) $GISBASE/bin/grasswish to the "real" wish.

This may cause problems for people who have no root access to the
machine they want to install grass on. 

I don't know, i think it should be up to Justin and/or Markus to decide
how it should be done.



Andreas Lange, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany, Tel. +49 611 807850
Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de - A.C.Lange at GMX.net

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