[GRASS5] Re: notation standardisation

Eric G . Miller egm2 at jps.net
Mon Nov 27 22:12:31 EST 2000

On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 11:12:37AM +0000, Markus Neteler wrote:
> > I don't know that we ever resolved the issue of addressing sites
> > attributes.  Basically we have something like:
> > 
> >    "east", "north", "dim", "cat", "decimal", and "string";
> >    
> > for attribute names. For the "index", I don't know; maybe just "index"
> > when there's only one to be specified, otherwise "zindex" for "dim",
> > "dindex" for decimal and "sindex" for string???  I know I'm guilty of
> > not being consistent here.
> We have to take care with dim as multi dimensions can exist (dim1,
> dim2, ...). The "cat" I don't like, an "index" would be much better.
> But why "dindex" for decimal and "sindex" for strings? The current name
> is nice, isn't it?

Well, here's the deal. I want to use the second string attribute as a
label for d.site.labels.  In order to specify that, I have to specify I
want to use the "string" attribute type with the "index" of "2".  If the
command should need to consider more than one attribute, such as what to
use for a cell value for a raster conversion and what to use for the
category label, then you need something like "value=decimal vindex=3,
label=string lindex=2".  This is really messy, but I don't see any way
around it given the current sites format.  But, I feel I'm beating a
dead horse here.

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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