[GRASS5] Jan's copyright notice ++

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Tue Nov 14 09:18:32 EST 2000

On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 11:13:53AM +0700, Justin Hickey wrote:
> Hello Frank.
> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> > Given that we have significant divisions on the issue, I suggest we
> > drop the $Log$ part, and finalize the rest of the header prototype. 
> OK. So the final header will be something like the following (I made up
> all the details for a file supposedly called colors.c):
> /*********************************************************************
> * $Id$
> *
> * MODULE:      d.rast (or new higher level module name (eg GRASS core)
> *              for 5.1)
> * AUTHOR(S):   Original author unknown - probably CERL
> *              John Doe - jdoe at some.where.org
> * PURPOSE:     To provide storage and manipulation of colors used for 
> *              rendering the raster. The colors are stored in a
> *              doubly linked list which must be initialized with
> *              InitColors() before it can be used. Note that most
> *              linked list functionality (add, remove, get) is
> *              supported, but their is no sorting functionality.
> * COPYRIGHT:   (C) 2000 by the GRASS Development Team
> *
> *              This program is free software under the GPL (>=v2)
> *              Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
> *
> *********************************************************************/
> Does anyone have objections to the above layout?
Hi Justin,

it looks nice! Perhaps you can add an empty "sheet" for easy copy-paste
> > Do you want to update the SUBMITTING file?  Actually, I am surprised
> > this isn't in the STYLE_PROGRAMMING file.
> Yeah, you're right, STYLE_PROGRAMMING would be a better place for this.
> Does anyone object to moving this to STYLE_SUBMITTING?
These files should be merged. There is no reason to keep two separate

Thanks in advance


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