[GRASS5] MacOS X X-windows!

Jeshua Lacock jeshua at SierraMaps.com
Mon Nov 13 04:07:28 EST 2000

Just wanted to let you all know that TCLTK GUI is up and running 
under Mac OS X!

I'm going to "play" with it a bit.  I am overwhelmed with joy!

(Using the beta 8 build)...

I haven't get the NVIZ thing working yet.  It is dependent on 
PostgreSQL which will not compile - it does not like any flavor of 
"darwin/nextstep". I guess I'll email them.

I did get the MESA and bison libraries built - on the brighter side.

Shall I upload the binaries that are built?  I e-mailed macnn.com (my 
favorite Mac news site) and they are going to make it Mondays top 

For others to use the binaries, I suppose they will need the 
X-windows libraries and the Grass binaries.  Do they need anything 
else? Tcl/Tk libs??

Thanks all!!!!!!
Jeshua Lacock
Telephone: (760) 935-4481

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