[GRASS5] Please bugfix GRASS 5.0!
Markus Neteler
neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Sat Nov 4 04:42:14 EST 2000
Dear Developers,
as currently more and more new ideas for GRASS 5.1 are
queuing, I would like to invite you :-) to take
over the remaining bugs in current CVS version.
We should publish the stable release as soon as possible
to be able to open the new 5.1 CVS tree.
What's to be done (see BUGS):
* CELL-Driver: update to 24bit
* d.his: NULL values spreaded if map saved with out=
* nviz2.2: surface colors dark when having very small z values
(same problem in Latitude-Longitude databases)
* r.binfer: says that value of predefined probabilities would not sum
up to 1 although they do (try with binfer example script )
* r.contour: mask problem
* r.cost: leaves a map which is mostly null unassigned pixels (lat/long
databases only?)
* r.los: problem with lat/long databases
* r.null: does not work with reclassified maps
* v.reclass: input field for old=new reclass rule that cannot be more than 7
characters long (affects only the interactive version
* v.to.rast: Working with a vector file and a region of(11242 rows*13301
cols) the module is 'killed' at step 13/22. Module works well with the same
data and a smaller region.
Missing updates to FP:
* r.surf.contour
* r.watershed
Library problems:
* R_polygon_abs() seems to ignore islands. Correct?
* G3D lib: problems with modules, if made region settings sensitive
* NULL lib problem with large maps (try r.null or r.mapcalc NULL functions)
Comparing to summer 2000, this are not too much bugs any more. Please
let's concentrate on these bugfixes now to get out the GRASS 5 stable!
Happy hacking,
and thanks for your time
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