[GRASS5] Jan's copyright notice ++

Andreas Lange Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de
Thu Nov 2 12:35:09 EST 2000

Hi Frank,

i think you misunderstood me partly. 
I was not thinking of auto-extractable function descriptions (like with
lclint) but only of a very simple tag for authors and copyright
statements. I think your proposal is very reasonable, but if we want
later to generate xml-desriptions for the info on the module (authors,
title, purpose of module) we have to re-write the same info again. 

If we could agree on some simple concept we can avoid doubling the work.
No one will be forced to use this, esp. with the libraries the
information is not needed. This affects only the modules, where
currently the information is spread among source code, text files, old,
no longer maintained man-pages, html-files, READMEs, TODOs, howtos etc.
I believe that we can in the long run save much time if we agree on a
new, simple concept. 

So i would propose to use the header you suggested for all library
files, but discuss how we can in future improve the modules concept
(again, we are not forced to implement this in every module, but if
someone reworks the code, it will be not too much work to implement



Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Andreas,
> I think that there is a big difference in effort between settling on a new
> style of header, and applying it to code as touched vs. implementing
> auto-extractable function descriptions which would have to be applied to
> all interesting functions to be of much use.

Andreas Lange, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany, Tel. +49 611 807850
Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de - A.C.Lange at GMX.net

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