[GRASS5] proposal for a grass command interface
descriptionforautomatic GUI building
Jan-Oliver Wagner
jan at intevation.de
Mon Oct 30 03:50:22 EST 2000
Hi Andreas,
On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 07:36:28PM +0200, Andreas Lange wrote:
> Another proposal: I think it would be very useful if the module itself
> has some information about the name and the purpose of the module (I am
> myself often clueless what a module is exactly for). Like the title line
> of the tcltkgrass-modules. This could be used for searching and in
> display/entry windows. It should be possible to simply add this to the
> grass parser, even if the modules do not use it currently. We could
> later incorporate the information from the tcltkgrass-module-files into
> the modules (like my = G_define_title(); my->title="n.osuch.module";
> my->descr="this module has no specifically purpose";
> my->author="Andreas"; ...).
Yes, a good point. It would support the automatic GUI creation.
Jan-Oliver Wagner http://intevation.de/~jan/
Intevation GmbH http://intevation.de/
FreeGIS http://freegis.org/
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