[GRASS5] user interface standardization

Andreas Lange Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de
Tue Oct 17 13:37:03 EDT 2000

Hi Markus,

i would propose not to change any module that was introduced before
GRASS5.0, because older scripts might no longer run in that case. We
could discuss those changes for 5.1 again.

All new modules should use a standardized scheme. 
e. g. Import/Export: input=name output=name for all raster, sites and
vector modules.
e. g. display modules: map= for all raster and vector modules, file=name
for modules that can read from stdin in the "easting northing label"

For the shape/arc converters i personally think that it would be better
to explicitly give a name for the resulting vector file and to default
to the shapefile name if it is not used.  

I'll prepare a summary/proposal and check this in under the documents
section in CVS.



Markus Neteler wrote:
> Thanks Andreas for this point. Actually I can't remember, too.
> But we need some standard:
> Import/Export modules:
>   s.in.ascii sites=name [input=name]
>     * reads from stdin
>   r.in.ascii input=name output=name
>   i.in.erdas input=name output=name
>  -> the raster/imagery modules have input=,
>     but the s.in.ascii sites=
>  => not consistent (I propose a change in s.in.ascii)
>   v.in.shape in=name
>  -> v.in.shape should use "input" as well
>   v.in.arc vector_out=name lines_in=name [points_in=name] [text_in=name]
>  -> again another name (vector_out): should be "output"
>   v.out.arc vect=name arc_prefix=name
>  -> again another name (vect): should be "input="
> etc. It should be less complex than now.
> We should remove this confusion, I am willing to help (the related HTML
> pages needs to me updated, too).
> But we need to agree first. Do we need a full list of options?
> Markus
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Andreas Lange, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany, Tel. +49 611 807850
Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de - A.C.Lange at GMX.net

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