[GRASS5] Code Freeze schedule

Michel Wurtz mw at teledetection.fr
Fri Sep 22 05:45:56 EDT 2000

Justin Hickey a écrit :
> Oops. I think I misunderstood you the first time. I think you meant to
> have a command line program that would simply run a batch process in
> grass. Is that right? If so I don't see the need for such a thing since
> all you need to do is enter grass and then run your batch command. Even
> though the startup will be graphical, you will still be able to open a
> grass shell. Thus, the bacth command processing will still be available.

No, your first reading was the good one. I agree with the rest of your
comment : once grass is started in "command line" mode, it's easy to
run any shell script in batch mode (some of mines take more than 9 hours,
runing more than 10000 grass command).

Michel WURTZ - DIG - Maison de la télédétection
               500, rue J.F. Breton
               34093 MONTPELLIER Cedex 5

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