[GRASS5] Proposal for a new GRASS directory structure

Eric Mitchell emitchell at altaira.com
Mon Sep 11 16:19:31 EDT 2000

First, is there is a list of what needs to be done before GRASS-5.0 
is considered final?  A list of remaining modules to get working? 
A list of known bugs that needs to be whittled down?  If there isn't
a solid target to aim for, we'll never hit it.

Bearing that list in mind, reorganizing might be feasible.

As far as my proposed Makefile reorganization goes, the only real
limitation is directories are either branch nodes that just contain 
subdirectories to recurse into, or leaf nodes, in which something is
built.  Since the Makefile reorganization scheme doesn't impact the 
current build system, I don't think we should be precluded from 
adding it, assuming I can get a few nights to clean it up.

As far as reorganizing the source, how would it make sense to split 
up GRASS? What set of modules would provide a reasonable breakdown 
of the whole GRASS distribution? grass-base, nviz, nonGPL, etc?  I'd
recommend reorganizing with that layout in mind.  My recommendation 
for dealing with the reorganization in the CVS repo, is to declare 
the current tree dead, and reimport the source in the reorganized 
layout somewhere new in the repository.  You can still get the old 
information if necessary, but moving files around a cvs repository 
tends to be a pain.

Thoughts? Ideas? Comments?

Markus Neteler wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 09:18:19AM +0200, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> > Markus,
> > I had hoped that we could make major reorganisations
> > after a stable GRASS5 version.
> >
> > It is against my understanding of a beta quality software to make this
> > reorganisations now. :)
> Hi Bernhard, hi all,
> this is still a proposal... Nothing to be done now. I think we
> have to discuss how to reorganize the package before doing it.
> This might require more days/weeks.
> No need to get nervous :-)
> Two reasons might there not to wait for a stable GRASS version:
>  - we never know when we get it (I feel it will take more time)
>  - and, more important, the new Makefile system requires a reorganization
> The latter reason might be confirmed by Eric (or not).
> All others, please send your comments. As some of you have much experience
> with large projects, they can advise us. At least I need such advice!
> Markus
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| Eric B. Mitchell         mailto:emitchell at altaira.com |
| tel: (301) 809 - 3534    Altair Aerospace Corporation |
| tel: (800) 7 - ALTAIR    4201 Northview Dr. Suite 410 |
| fax: (301) 805 - 8122    Bowie, MD  20716             |
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