[GRASS5] data format for s.vol.rst?

Jaro Hofierka hofierka at geomodel.sk
Mon Apr 23 09:47:18 EDT 2001

Panoot Suwanwiwattana wrote:

> hi all,
> I want to use s.vol.rst but i don't understand its module data format, my
> idea should be (x|y|z @catagory %interpolation_value)  but when i import
> site data from postgres, it will be like (x|y @catagory) so
> 1.  What is needed data format for s.vol.rst? like my idea?

Hi Panoot,

your sites have to be in x|y|z|%w format (see s.vol.rst man page).

> 2.  I have to write some script to export data from postgres then import to
> GRASS like ascii file?
> 3.  How can i specify which column is for interpolate in s.vol.rst?

s.vol.rst will use w-value automatically, there is no option to use other column.
Such option exists for s.surf.rst only for variable smoothing parameter "smatt".

Best regards,


> 4.  the option field value in s.vol.rst is refer to what column eg. field =
> 2 (what does it mean)?

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