[GRASS5] Driver Update

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Mon Apr 23 03:13:06 EDT 2001

Justin Hickey wrote:

> I just tried a fresh checkout of the release branch and there are
> problems running d.mon on an SGI using SGI compilers.
> The monitor window will pop up but I get the following output:
> GRASS 5.0.0pre1 > d.mon start=x1
> using default visual which is TrueColor
> Visual is read-only or using a private colormap
> ncolors: 32768
> allocating memory...
> Graphics driver [x1] started
> Warning - no response from graphics monitor <x1>.

OK; this means that it connected to the socket but it didn't receive
any data.

> Check to see if the mouse is still active.
> ERROR - no response from graphics monitor <x1>.
> Problem selecting x1. Will try once more
> Warning - no response from graphics monitor <x1>.
> Check to see if the mouse is still active.
> ERROR - no response from graphics monitor <x1>.
> Also, even after the command quits, there are delays in mouse response
> until I closed the monitor window using the window manager (click the
> close button on the window). I'm not sure what is causing these delays.

It's possible that there's a busy-wait in the monitor; does it show
high CPU usage?

> I'm sorry but I don't have time to investigate this.

I have time, but I don't have an SGI; if you can obtain any more
information it would help.

I will see if I can find anything obvious; I'm going to look into the
CPU usage and timing issues anyway.

I've checked in one change already; there is a flag ("no_mon") which
is set in the SIGALRM handler and tested in sync_driver(). I've
changed the declaration to include "volatile", although this shouldn't
matter unless the compilation had optimisation enabled.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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