[GRASS5] v.in.arc: import files

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Tue Apr 17 13:39:52 EDT 2001

On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 04:56:22PM +0000, Michel Wurtz wrote:
> Rich Shepard wrote:
> >   Well-l-l, ... m.in.e00, v.in.mif, and v.in.shape all require the
> > fully-qualified path name to work. Just the current directory won't do.
> Uh? I used recently v.in.shape and m.in.e00, and they worked with the
> standard sheme of unix filename, relative path if the name doesn't
> begin with a slash, absolute path if the name begins with a slash...
> BTW, I will take a look tonight at v.in.arc and v.[in|out].dxf to see
> what is the amount of change needed. If possible, I will commit the
> changes.  Markus, should I use a tag my CVS tree to change all in the
> right place (5.0.0, 5.1, ???)

Thanks Michel,

 I suggest only to change the release_branch. Later we will merge back
 into the exp tree (hopefully soon). The 5.1 is quite different, so it
 may not be affected these days.



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