[GRASS5] s.surf.rst help
Helena Mitasova
hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Fri Aug 10 11:19:49 EDT 2001
what resolution DEM are you trying to compute? It appears that you are
computing DEM with 10cm (0.1m) resolution or something around that?
Also by seting dmin to 0.1 instead of 0.2 you are decreasing dmin rather
increasing (0.1<0.2). Default dmin is half the cell size which should work
without the need to change it. It does not make too much sense to have it
than that (having 1-2 points per cell is way enough - the results won't be
much more accurate if you put more ) . Have you tried to run s.surf.rst
with defaults? (s.surf.rst inputsites elev=yourelevation) they should work
for most cases (the worst thing that happens to me is that the tension is
high, so you may play with that).
> I have posted this question to the grass5 users list yesterday.
> However, I think the question is geared more toward the developers. I
> am attemping right now to conver a site lists of lidar data that I have
> imported. Using the s.surf.rst command with the input and elev
> paramaters set. I have also set the dmin value at .2 being I am using a
> 30m gridded data set. With the dmin value being set at .2, I get the
> error message:
> Concentration of points to high, try increasing dmin.
> No problem, I increase dmin to .1 and now get the error message:
> File size limit exceeded (core dumped).
> I am trying to figure out more the second error message and it's
> implications. What are the "file size" limits? Is there another
> parameter that will help with actually getting this command to work for
> me? Thanks...
> --
> Kevin Slover, Meteorologist/Oceanographer
> Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center
> 11691 SW 17th Street Miami FL 33165
> Work: (305) 229-4456 Fax : (305) 553-1264
> e-mail: kjslover at nhc.noaa.gov kevin.slover at noaa.gov
> Web address: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov
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