[GRASS5] [bug #792] (grass) Get Financlial FREEDOM!! Earn $$$ with little effort!!!

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Fri Aug 24 13:06:03 EDT 2001

Bernhard Reiter wrote:

> The open to the internet mail relates to that 
> everybody can see the bug-tickets. It is deliberatly.
> This is not the reaspon for getting the spam.
> One reason is that the GRASS bug-tracker is famous because of the
> importance GRASS project.
> That anybody can open a ticket also is deliberatly and is abused sometimes.
> There is no perfect way to put an end to this.
> We have several methods in the queue which we can implement
> to make it harder to send span this way. 
> For the time being we will have to live with the tradeoff that
> it can be abused. The benefits of an open bug-tracker are much higher.

If the mail server has a facility for spam filtering, one option would
be to reject any messages which don't contain the string "grass"
somewhere in the body (or subject, but you'd have to check *before*
the server adds the "(grass) " prefix).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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