[GRASS5] [bug #873] (grass) monitor resizing does not work on SOlaris/X11R6.4

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Sat Dec 15 08:02:31 EST 2001

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=873

Subject: monitor resizing does not work on SOlaris/X11R6.4

Platform: Solaris 8/SPARC
Xwindows version: Sun X11R6.4
Xwindows manager: CDE
TclTk version: tcl/tk 8.3
grass downloaded at: CVS Server, Germany
grass binary for platform: I compiled the sources myself
grass sources source: yes, I am using the latest GRASS from CVS
c compiler name: gcc

I compiled with gcc 2.95.2 on Solaris 8/SPARC, running with Sun X11R6.4 and CDE Window Manager. 

The resizing of the monitors (d.mon start=x0) simply does not work. 
The curser changes to resizing symbol, but the monitor simply does not react. 

Please contact me if you need further details (e. g. xdpyinfo output etc.).

Maybe there are subtle differences in the implementation of the X11 events?


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