[GRASS5] [bug #873] (grass) monitor resizing does not work on SOlaris/X11R6.4

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Dec 18 13:12:14 EST 2001

Request Tracker wrote:

> I compiled with gcc 2.95.2 on Solaris 8/SPARC, running with Sun
> X11R6.4 and CDE Window Manager.
> The resizing of the monitors (d.mon start=x0) simply does not work. 
> The curser changes to resizing symbol, but the monitor simply does
> not react.

AFAIK, this seems to be a bug in dtwm.

> Please contact me if you need further details (e. g. xdpyinfo output etc.).

If you have the option of trying other versions of dtwm, I would be
very interested in finding out whether all versions of dtwm have this

At a minimum, please report the version of dtwm which you tried.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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